An empowering guide for parents and teachers seeking a positive, practical alternative to the confusion and struggles of middle school.
“A must-read for anyone who has a tween or works with tweens”
What People Are Saying:
“I love Finding the Magic in Middle School — as a parent of tweens, an educator, and a school design innovator. Chris's love for young people and the awkward but powerful path of self-discovery they travel in the middle school years is obvious, and its clarity inspires us to see and want to enable the magic. Weaving together brain research, storytelling, and design insights, Chris breaks us free from the old narrative of adolescence.”
— Kim Smith, Co-Founder of NewSchools Venture Fund and Pahara Institute
“What Chris Balme calls the "Ultimate Underdogs"—middle schoolers—are in for a better time of it now that he's written this book. After 20 years of working with this underestimated, under-trusted, under-stimulated swath of humanity, Balme has distilled what they need most, and how to give it to them. Hint: It doesn't look like your old social studies class.”
— Lenore Skenazy, author of Free Range Kids
“Middle school can be an arduous slog, something to be survived and forgotten—or it can be a rollicking adventure, nurturing an engaged and connected adolescence. Chris Balme shows use how to take the second path with compassionate insight, hard-won wisdom, concrete guidance, and masterful storytelling.”
— Blake Boles, author of Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?
Contact Chris.
Whether to share an idea, ask a question, or inquire about speaking or consulting, I would love to hear from you.